23 Dec Driving The Community Forward
Community groups in South West Birmingham now have more opportunities to get out and about, thanks to a new community bus provided by Shencare. Shencare, who have been providing wheelchair accessible passenger transport to groups and individuals in South-West Birmingham for almost 30 years, will provide local people's access to fresh food, leisure facilities - including swimming and Tai Chi - socializing networks and healthy living education. This service will continue the pilot project that has now ended following our partnership with Centro and their Social Inclusion Fund 'Community Insiders' project. Shencare C.E.O. Chris Busst said: "We are very pleased to announce the continuation of this project that will make it possible for more people living within the south-west of Birmingham to live healthier, happier lives." He added: “We are now seeking to consult with further potential user groups in the area who feel that they would benefit from the facility of accessible minibuses.” Anyone interested in finding out more about the project or booking the minibus should contact Chris Busst, Chief Executive Officer, or Geoff Pell, Operations Co-ordinator, on 0121 476 1816 or by e-mail on [shencare_email]....